1) The color red is a color of passion, anger, love, etc ... Red is like any other evoked by light that we can see with the human eye. This color can symbolize many things as well such as when you hit/slap someone their skin color turns red for the pain they have. When people are shy they also turn red, woman that wear red seem to be more attractive. Gifts that are given to people are usually in red wrapping paper or when two lovers give each other presents and one of them is a rose it is red.
2) Competition works in our society as a game or sometime in situations of life or death. Competition can be used in healthy and unhealthy things such as sports teams, schools have sports team to compete against other schools to see whose best. The unhealthy part of competition is the the way how people who lose or win get mad or try to rub it on the opponent and may start fights or if those people have a nation or society it may also cause war.
3) What I took from the classroom to my non-academic life is the pv and tone words. Those words increased my vocabulary by a lot, ive been using then when im talking to my family and friends and sometimes they ask me what those words mean and it makes me feel like an over achiever. There has been many other things about the classroom that might of used without me knowing about it but the thing I meant to take out are the pv and tone words.
4) If I can go back in time and be anyone in history I would like to be Abraham Lincoln. He was the sixteenth president of the United States and opposed the expansion of slavery. I would of liked to be him by the all the determination he to end slavery in the United States. From my point of view slavery was the worse thing someone could of done to those people and I am glad Abraham Lincoln put a stop to slavery because I can't believe how the world would be like today if he didn't end it in his time. Maybe Martin Luther king would not stop the racial discrimination that he achieved to end and most blacks now would have not been born.
5) If I had a million dollars to spend on a project I would work on making a association that would build existing machines to use less electricity or Eco-friendly. The type of machinery we would make are to make a solar powered car, try to make everyone use solar panels, change all regular light bulbs for energy sufficient light bulbs. If everyone in the United States used all the machinery the association built the risks of global warming will reduce by a lot. Global warming may not affect us now but if we keep up the way we are living and wasting so much energy and/or gas the consequences wont affect us but our children or grandchildren will suffer a lot and they wont deserve that for the mistakes we made and not care about.
6) In my dads side of my family there have been many problems and some of them were with my cousins. They were having problems with their parents (my aunt and uncle) that they wanted to leave their homes. I made some change on that problem by talking to my cousin and talking some sense into him and not to do something dumb like that. Those kind of problems are really sad between families and I made that personal change and helping out not to brake up that family.
7) If I can introduce an idea to a primitive culture it would be the invention of the railroads. The railroads have been in the United States for many years helping out transportation to go a lot faster. During the civil war the railroads were a very major advantage for the soldiers. It helped out by transporting weaponry and soldiers faster to beat the opponent. The railroad would be a good idea for a primitive culture being the first steam engine built.
8) The quotation that I seem to see my self in is "give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe"-Abraham Lincoln. When I read this in my why of thinking this means that before you want to begin something big you have to start off by the basics or with taking one step. Everyday i go to school and which I didn't have to go makes me think of my future, and that makes me think of this quote. The part of sharpening the axe would be all the schooling/education and the part of chopping down the tree would be my lifetime job. So, this quote gives me a motivation on going to school
9) I would like to establish a holiday the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese which was on December 7, 1941. This day should be celebrated in the United States every year it should be one of those holidays students don't go to school for. This day was a tragic day for many soldiers, families, Americans especially doctors who saw many deaths, blood, even got traumatized for what they saw in their hospitals.
. 10) The certainly best advice I ever received was to always keep my shine up and keep moving foreword. The person who told me this was my father who was there after a bad soccer game my team had and I felt like just quitting the team and stop playing soccer for the rest of my life. My dad looked at me and told that I am a good player and backing down would be a shame with my potential of playing, he told to forget the past and keep looking into the future because you never know whats going to happen next.
11) I would like the universities to ask us how our economic issue with the family is. There are many outstanding students out there wishing to be able to go to the universities but for whatever economic issue they cant go. Someone never know if that kid would be the next Albert Einstein or the next Benjamin Franklin but if they don't get the money they need to prosper and enjoy education those inventions would probably take longer to get discovered. I would like the Universities to ask this question for they can know if the student would need some economic help to pay for his education for the government to lend a hand and help a particular student out for hid needs.
12) Well, from what I remember from my first fifteen minutes in this world, is the shining sky covered in blue with white clouds floating with a cool summer breeze. I was in the park running just for reason, having fun, then suddenly a giant slide with glistening yellow covered paint on all sides I saw. That caught my eye and so I went on feeling no fear of heights or the speed while sliding down, then a hard fall which meant the end of the ride of the slide was over.
13) Dear, roommate
My name is Pablo Neruda, I am a very good person who you can trust in. I was born in a quit calm place which made ma a serious person who will be honest, I am an athlete who plays soccer, been playing for many years and made varsity in high school. I hope we will be good friends throughout the time of college and I hope we can get to know each other more.
14) In the quote, "He does not possesses wealth, it possesses him" I think this means that "he" is getting trapped by the wealth wanting to want more and more. Wealth does not want more or need any of the the man. I think this is true, for example when someone goes to the casino to gamble they get addicted to it and wasting or earning with the determination they have to get everything they can. Wealth would just be there not caring whose pocket it goes into knowing that person needs it more than anything.
15) The most valuable contribution I think someone could give a college are textbooks. I have two cousins who are in college right now and I always hear them complaining about how much money they waste on the textbooks. If we contribute with books you never the people are in charge with that may lower prices for their students.
16) I had an ethical dilemma when I was about eleven years old. My mom use to have a friend who was Jewish but my mom did not know, one day that we went to her house I saw them talking and my mom commented something about religion and my moms friend did not like it. They both got in a huge argument and they never talked to each other ever again. This effected by the way when i'm talking to a friend about religion I don't want to express my feelings towards it because I don't want to argue with my friend nor lose him.
17) I have a personal concern with a very big importance not only in my life but in the whole worlds. I would like people to start preventing global warming by using less electricity. I've been having this issue for many years now and I haven't seen any change through out the years. This issue may not effect us now that why the majority of the people don't car but someday they will be wishing they did.
18) One of the two things I dislike about our school is the vigilance we have. I think vigilance should be more alert and have it before during and after school. The "incident" the football team had could of been prevented if there would of been more staff around there. The second thing i dislike about our school is the way the district hire teachers. Lately there have been many teachers who've been kicked out for some problems they've caused. Those type of teachers make our school look bad in front of the whole San Diego county, so that means many students wont go to that school then the school will close down.
19) I think school attendance should not be mandatory. There are some kids that only go to school to waste time or just to bother other education time. Students that are like that should not go because they waste the schools money to buy them more books or supplies, that money could be used for the more determined students to get a better education with the money the school still has.
20) The animal I would like to have the ability to talk to is the shark. I would like to be able to talk to them because of a humans point of view of sharks that they are dangerous and we should not get near to them. I would like to ask it if its true that they don't have good eye sight and if its true that it bites the surfers because they think their seals just riding on the waves. These type of animals are pretty cool and by the why they swim and attack could help in the future if we ever get to trying to find something in the ocean we can always tell them to help us.